Review One Team US in Google+

1. Click here to Review US in Google

2. If you are not signed into Google, you will be redirected to the sign-in page.

3. After Signin you will be redirected to One team US review box.

4. Add your Review ratings & comments here & submit the review.

5. You can Also review us via this link.

6. There, you can click on “Write a review” to leave us a review!

Leave us a Yelp Review

1. Go to our Yelp page at

2. Click on “Write a Review”


3. You can now rate our services and write a review. After you have done so, click on Sign Up and Post.

4. A pop up will show to sign up. If you already have an account, you can log in. If you don’t have one, you can conveniently sign up with Facebook!


Leave Us A Review At Facebook

1. You can search for Oneteam Internet Marketing through Facebook or click on this link:

2. When you are on our Facebook page, look for the ellipses and when u click on it a drop down menu will appear like in the image below.

3. In the drop down, look for Write a Review and a review box will show up!

facebook review

4. If you are not signed into Facebook, then you can find Reviews under the More tab.

5. You will then be directed to the reviews page. You can rate One Team US with stars; however, you will be redirected to the login page after you’ve selected a rating.

6. After you have logged in, you will be brought back to the homepage of our Facebook page and you can proceed with Steps 1-4!

Leave Us A Review At Yellow Pages

1. Go to our official Yellow pages business listing by clicking here

2. Click on the “Write a review” Button.

3. If you are Logged in at yellow pages you will be redirected to the review page. Here you can add your ratings & comments about us here.

yellowpages review

4. If you are not logged in you will be redirected to the login page where you can sign-in or resiter a new account. Once you login you will be redirected to the review page.
