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Mobile conference applications designed to thrill attendees and generate maximum return on investment. All your event essentials covered mobile agenda, surveys & polling, attendee networking, multiple events, one app, sponsorship opportunities, integrations, Event Map, Super simple content management, easy content updates, custom app layout, engage attendees, reporting & analytics

ARDS(Aspen Retinal Detachment Society Meeting)

Aspen Retinal Detachment Society(ARDS) holds an annual meeting to disseminate new scientific progress in the management of vitreoretinal diseases,surgery, and focus on idea for optimization of clinical practise.The goal is to address the professional practise agaps of ARDS meeting attendees by offering activities that aid in enhancing competence in the fields of vitreoretinal diseases,surgery and practise management.The Ards CME programs includes scientific paper presentations and panel discussion from world renowned vitreoretinal specialists.The expected results are enhancements in our participants competency.

Our Contribution

  • Design,development and store submission
  • Support devices:iPhone,iPad,Android
  • Development tools/Environment:Xcode,.NET/MySQL,JSON,CMS Website,Cloud Server

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